Georgia Jeep Alliance Club
ARTICLE I – NAMEThe name of this organization shall be: GEORGIA JEEP ALLIANCE CLUB
ARTICLE II – PURPOSES AND AIMS1. The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together and promote the interest offamily-friendly four-wheeling, responsibly enjoying our Country’s natural resources, and promoting participation in activities that help to better the surrounding communities we live in.2. The organization shall promote and educate environmentally kind land use practices.3. The organization shall promote participation from other Jeep Based Clubs in its activities to help grow the impact of its chosen charities and unify the overall Jeep community.
ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP1. Membership is open to Jeep owners who have completed membership requirements as follows:A. To Become A Member:1. Attend an official event and enlist a current member to sponsor your membership.2. Complete our online Membership application listing your sponsors full name and pay your first (NON-REFUNDABLE) dues to receive your prospect status.3. Participate in AT LEAST TWO official events listed on our club calendar on theclub web site, following our code of conduct.4. Participation must be verified by the Treasurer or Event Leader.5. Once participation has been completed and verified your membership is subject to avote at the following club meeting.B. To Maintain Membership:1. Participate in AT LEAST TWO official events per year. (a combination of meetings andevents from the official events calendar).2. Be in good standing with regard to our code of conduct.3. Pay Yearly Membership fees (be up to date).C. Membership can be one individual (one account) or joint membership for a married couple (one account) who own a Jeep. With a joint membership, the couple gets one vote in club matters. The family membership is the same as a joint membership. The existing club member can sponsor one individual or both members of the married couple at a time.1. Prospective members must ask an existing member to sponsor them after attending at least One official event. The sponsor must inform the membership chair that they have agreed to sponsor the prospective member. Once sponsored, potential members must attend four more official events before they are eligible for the membership vote.2. If the sponsor and membership chair agree the prospective member is eligible membership is voted on at the next meeting and granted, paused or declined.3. There will be one vote per member. A member may vote “yes,” “no,” or “abstain.” If a“no” vote is cast, there will be a justification. A “no” vote will pause the consideration formembership on the membership vote at which it was cast. The justification will bereviewed/validated by the council.4. Membership votes will be held at the regular monthly meeting of the club.5. The minimum age for membership is 18 years, but teens are welcome to participate in local events. At any event, official or unofficial, that is held out of the local area or deemed by the GJA council to pose a risk, a parent or legal guardian must be present and have allliability waivers from ORV parks.6. Each member must hold a valid driver’s license and have proof of adequate insurancecoverage, which will be checked at random by Council Members of the club.7. Any exceptions to these requirements must be submitted to the council for action.8. All members, before selling a vehicle, must remove all club decals or emblems from their vehicle. Members who sell their vehicle may maintain regular membership for no more than 12 months. Any member leaving the club or losing membership status is required to immediately remove the club stickers from their Jeep.9. All members must conduct themselves in a responsible and orderly fashion whether in or out of club activities. Any member disgracing himself/herself or the club in the public eye will be immediately subject to review by the council for possible expulsion or suspension from the club. The council’s decision will be final.10. All club members must have club decals on display during club runs and outings.
ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP FEES1. Annual membership fee will be due every 12 months from the date of joining. The fees are to be used to cover the costs incurred by the club. Membership fees are applied to: annual costs to maintain the website, forum, Constant Contact subscription, GJA cards, club vehicle stickers, club banners, miscellaneous supplies for charity/fundraising events, tents, printing, etc.2. Fees are required by all members that meet the requirements for remaining in good standing with the exception of honorary members.3. Members must pay membership fees to GJA no later then the March monthly meeting or they will be placed on probation with no membership rights. If fees are not paid by the April monthly meeting, member will forfeit membership and be downgraded to user status on the forum.4. Fees will cover the current year’s membership. New members will be responsible for Dues when applying for membership. All members are to pay yearly dues by the March Meeting the consecutive years following.5. No refund of fees shall be made under any circumstances.
ARTICLE V – OFFICERS AND DUTIES1. The club council shall consist of Seven members: president, vice president, treasurer,two event coordinators, and social media chair, and a secretary.a. The president shall be the executive officer and will ensure all meetings and events areconducted in a timely and professional fashion. Further, the president will either presideover or delegate someone to preside over all meetings and events. He/she shall have theduty of carrying out the policies and decisions of the members. The president shallappoint committees as needed.b. The vice president shall assist the president and act on his/her behalf in case of absence.c. The secretary shall record all minutes of the meetings, maintain the club records, andwrite any correspondence as directed. d. The treasurer is a board appointed position. The treasurer shall receive all monies, be responsible for bank deposits, disburse funds as authorized, and have books open for inspection by members in good standing.1. The council will maintain a banking account at their desired financial institution forall monies and record keeping.2. The president and treasurer will be signers on the account. The council may addadditional signers at their discretion.3. The past president and treasurer will assist the new president and treasurer inchanging the signer information at the financial institution.e. The treasurer shall have the duty to review new club applicants and presentthem to the membership. He/she shall keep a log of all visitors at meetings on the clubruns. New members can pick up membership materials at club meetings or events.f. The event coordinators shall be the lead council members on all official events. Theevent coordinators will provide assistance in putting together all official club eventsidentified on the official calendar.g. The social media chair shall have the duty to conduct, on behalf of the GJA, allcorrespondence on official social media accounts. Correspondence is to be performed ina manner that drives traffic to the official forum. Duties to include photo and videocompilation from members, advertisement of upcoming events, and login credentialsmanagement of social media accounts.1. The social media chair may nominate an assistant, pending approval by the council,for collaboration in regularly updating all official social media accounts.
ARTICLE VI – COUNCIL1. The management of the club shall be vested in the president, vice president, treasurer,membership chair, event coordinators, and social media chair, which will constitute theVoting Council. The secretary is also a Council Member but holds no vote.2. The council shall be made up of the elected officers as elected by the membership.3. Council will maintain the corporate Status and Non-Profit Organization Status.
ARTICLE VII – ELECTIONS AND VOTING1. Elections of officers will be held every 24 months. Council positions will be voted onalternating years. President, secretary, treasurer, and social media chair will be voted onone year and the following year vice president, and events coordinatorswill be voted on.2. Nominations will be accepted on the Georgia Jeep Alliance VIP Facebook page.a. Members may not nominate themselves or a family member.b. In order to be considered for the ballot, a candidate must be nominated and thenomination has to be seconded.c. To be nominated for council, member must be in good standing( current with dues) and must have been amember for at least one year. d. Nominations will be for the council, not for a specific seat. Nominees are able to selectwhich seat(s) they would like to be considered for. A nominee can reject the nominationat any time prior to the election vote.3. Votes will be open for 72 hours on Georgia Jeep Alliance VIP facebook page. Member dues must be current to vote. Single Membership = 1 vote. Family membership = 1 vote a. The position of president will be filled first, vice president in the alternating year.b. After the office of president/vice president is filled, the remaining positions for that yearwill be filled by a vote for each position until all positions are filled.4. In the event of a vacancy in any office except president, the council shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the unexpired term until the next general election.5. A two-thirds majority of members’ votes will be the rule for all matters provided at least 7 members are present.6. A Majority Vote of of the council members may be held to replace any council membersposition including the President.
ARTICLE VIII – AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS1. These by-laws may be amended at the regular meetings by a two-thirds majority vote,provided at least 7 members are present and the amendment has been proposed at anearlier time. The membership shall be notified of the proposed change(s) via club websiteand/or email at least two weeks prior to taking the vote.
ARTICLE IX – MEETINGS1. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month. Time and location to be announced on the VIP page. The president can call a special meeting at any time.
ARTICLE X – ALTERNATE MEMBERSHIPS1. Honorary Membershipa. By nomination of the council and by the majority vote of the membership, any suitableperson may be elected to honorary membership. The intention of the honorarymembership is to honor the men and women who have gone above and beyond to helpgrow and maintain the Georgia Jeep Alliance Jeep Club. Honorary members will carry allthe same rights and responsibilities as regular members except having a vote in clubmatters. This membership is reserved for members who have had to leave the local area.If an honorary member returns to the local area, they will be automatically convertedback to the normal member status.2. Member Abroada. A member in good standing (see Article III section 7) who has to leave the local area dueto work or family requirements may request member abroad status from the council.Member abroad is designed to allow any individual who is placed under this status theability to rejoin the Georgia Jeep Alliance as a full club member again without having togo through the sponsorship program. Once the individual has met membershipminimums, they may be placed on the next member vote to be reinstated as a full GJAmember. A member abroad is not required to pay membership dues or remove clubstickers unless selling their Jeep.
ARTICLE II – PURPOSES AND AIMS1. The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together and promote the interest offamily-friendly four-wheeling, responsibly enjoying our Country’s natural resources, and promoting participation in activities that help to better the surrounding communities we live in.2. The organization shall promote and educate environmentally kind land use practices.3. The organization shall promote participation from other Jeep Based Clubs in its activities to help grow the impact of its chosen charities and unify the overall Jeep community.
ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP1. Membership is open to Jeep owners who have completed membership requirements as follows:A. To Become A Member:1. Attend an official event and enlist a current member to sponsor your membership.2. Complete our online Membership application listing your sponsors full name and pay your first (NON-REFUNDABLE) dues to receive your prospect status.3. Participate in AT LEAST TWO official events listed on our club calendar on theclub web site, following our code of conduct.4. Participation must be verified by the Treasurer or Event Leader.5. Once participation has been completed and verified your membership is subject to avote at the following club meeting.B. To Maintain Membership:1. Participate in AT LEAST TWO official events per year. (a combination of meetings andevents from the official events calendar).2. Be in good standing with regard to our code of conduct.3. Pay Yearly Membership fees (be up to date).C. Membership can be one individual (one account) or joint membership for a married couple (one account) who own a Jeep. With a joint membership, the couple gets one vote in club matters. The family membership is the same as a joint membership. The existing club member can sponsor one individual or both members of the married couple at a time.1. Prospective members must ask an existing member to sponsor them after attending at least One official event. The sponsor must inform the membership chair that they have agreed to sponsor the prospective member. Once sponsored, potential members must attend four more official events before they are eligible for the membership vote.2. If the sponsor and membership chair agree the prospective member is eligible membership is voted on at the next meeting and granted, paused or declined.3. There will be one vote per member. A member may vote “yes,” “no,” or “abstain.” If a“no” vote is cast, there will be a justification. A “no” vote will pause the consideration formembership on the membership vote at which it was cast. The justification will bereviewed/validated by the council.4. Membership votes will be held at the regular monthly meeting of the club.5. The minimum age for membership is 18 years, but teens are welcome to participate in local events. At any event, official or unofficial, that is held out of the local area or deemed by the GJA council to pose a risk, a parent or legal guardian must be present and have allliability waivers from ORV parks.6. Each member must hold a valid driver’s license and have proof of adequate insurancecoverage, which will be checked at random by Council Members of the club.7. Any exceptions to these requirements must be submitted to the council for action.8. All members, before selling a vehicle, must remove all club decals or emblems from their vehicle. Members who sell their vehicle may maintain regular membership for no more than 12 months. Any member leaving the club or losing membership status is required to immediately remove the club stickers from their Jeep.9. All members must conduct themselves in a responsible and orderly fashion whether in or out of club activities. Any member disgracing himself/herself or the club in the public eye will be immediately subject to review by the council for possible expulsion or suspension from the club. The council’s decision will be final.10. All club members must have club decals on display during club runs and outings.
ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP FEES1. Annual membership fee will be due every 12 months from the date of joining. The fees are to be used to cover the costs incurred by the club. Membership fees are applied to: annual costs to maintain the website, forum, Constant Contact subscription, GJA cards, club vehicle stickers, club banners, miscellaneous supplies for charity/fundraising events, tents, printing, etc.2. Fees are required by all members that meet the requirements for remaining in good standing with the exception of honorary members.3. Members must pay membership fees to GJA no later then the March monthly meeting or they will be placed on probation with no membership rights. If fees are not paid by the April monthly meeting, member will forfeit membership and be downgraded to user status on the forum.4. Fees will cover the current year’s membership. New members will be responsible for Dues when applying for membership. All members are to pay yearly dues by the March Meeting the consecutive years following.5. No refund of fees shall be made under any circumstances.
ARTICLE V – OFFICERS AND DUTIES1. The club council shall consist of Seven members: president, vice president, treasurer,two event coordinators, and social media chair, and a secretary.a. The president shall be the executive officer and will ensure all meetings and events areconducted in a timely and professional fashion. Further, the president will either presideover or delegate someone to preside over all meetings and events. He/she shall have theduty of carrying out the policies and decisions of the members. The president shallappoint committees as needed.b. The vice president shall assist the president and act on his/her behalf in case of absence.c. The secretary shall record all minutes of the meetings, maintain the club records, andwrite any correspondence as directed. d. The treasurer is a board appointed position. The treasurer shall receive all monies, be responsible for bank deposits, disburse funds as authorized, and have books open for inspection by members in good standing.1. The council will maintain a banking account at their desired financial institution forall monies and record keeping.2. The president and treasurer will be signers on the account. The council may addadditional signers at their discretion.3. The past president and treasurer will assist the new president and treasurer inchanging the signer information at the financial institution.e. The treasurer shall have the duty to review new club applicants and presentthem to the membership. He/she shall keep a log of all visitors at meetings on the clubruns. New members can pick up membership materials at club meetings or events.f. The event coordinators shall be the lead council members on all official events. Theevent coordinators will provide assistance in putting together all official club eventsidentified on the official calendar.g. The social media chair shall have the duty to conduct, on behalf of the GJA, allcorrespondence on official social media accounts. Correspondence is to be performed ina manner that drives traffic to the official forum. Duties to include photo and videocompilation from members, advertisement of upcoming events, and login credentialsmanagement of social media accounts.1. The social media chair may nominate an assistant, pending approval by the council,for collaboration in regularly updating all official social media accounts.
ARTICLE VI – COUNCIL1. The management of the club shall be vested in the president, vice president, treasurer,membership chair, event coordinators, and social media chair, which will constitute theVoting Council. The secretary is also a Council Member but holds no vote.2. The council shall be made up of the elected officers as elected by the membership.3. Council will maintain the corporate Status and Non-Profit Organization Status.
ARTICLE VII – ELECTIONS AND VOTING1. Elections of officers will be held every 24 months. Council positions will be voted onalternating years. President, secretary, treasurer, and social media chair will be voted onone year and the following year vice president, and events coordinatorswill be voted on.2. Nominations will be accepted on the Georgia Jeep Alliance VIP Facebook page.a. Members may not nominate themselves or a family member.b. In order to be considered for the ballot, a candidate must be nominated and thenomination has to be seconded.c. To be nominated for council, member must be in good standing( current with dues) and must have been amember for at least one year. d. Nominations will be for the council, not for a specific seat. Nominees are able to selectwhich seat(s) they would like to be considered for. A nominee can reject the nominationat any time prior to the election vote.3. Votes will be open for 72 hours on Georgia Jeep Alliance VIP facebook page. Member dues must be current to vote. Single Membership = 1 vote. Family membership = 1 vote a. The position of president will be filled first, vice president in the alternating year.b. After the office of president/vice president is filled, the remaining positions for that yearwill be filled by a vote for each position until all positions are filled.4. In the event of a vacancy in any office except president, the council shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the unexpired term until the next general election.5. A two-thirds majority of members’ votes will be the rule for all matters provided at least 7 members are present.6. A Majority Vote of of the council members may be held to replace any council membersposition including the President.
ARTICLE VIII – AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS1. These by-laws may be amended at the regular meetings by a two-thirds majority vote,provided at least 7 members are present and the amendment has been proposed at anearlier time. The membership shall be notified of the proposed change(s) via club websiteand/or email at least two weeks prior to taking the vote.
ARTICLE IX – MEETINGS1. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month. Time and location to be announced on the VIP page. The president can call a special meeting at any time.
ARTICLE X – ALTERNATE MEMBERSHIPS1. Honorary Membershipa. By nomination of the council and by the majority vote of the membership, any suitableperson may be elected to honorary membership. The intention of the honorarymembership is to honor the men and women who have gone above and beyond to helpgrow and maintain the Georgia Jeep Alliance Jeep Club. Honorary members will carry allthe same rights and responsibilities as regular members except having a vote in clubmatters. This membership is reserved for members who have had to leave the local area.If an honorary member returns to the local area, they will be automatically convertedback to the normal member status.2. Member Abroada. A member in good standing (see Article III section 7) who has to leave the local area dueto work or family requirements may request member abroad status from the council.Member abroad is designed to allow any individual who is placed under this status theability to rejoin the Georgia Jeep Alliance as a full club member again without having togo through the sponsorship program. Once the individual has met membershipminimums, they may be placed on the next member vote to be reinstated as a full GJAmember. A member abroad is not required to pay membership dues or remove clubstickers unless selling their Jeep.
Georgia Jeep Alliance Club
Code of Conduct
1. No Drinking and Driving, no alcohol allowed ON ANY OFFICIAL GJA RIDE. Members consuming alcoholoff the trails or roads while camping or socializing will follow all state laws and the rules of alcohol drinking related to our location. If at an event council deems as a non-drinking event then no alcohol will be allowed at all.2. Club members will always treat other members with respect. Harassment or badgering of another member will not be tolerated. If a situation arises and there is a problem between members, they need to come to a council member and explain the situation. The council member will bring the problem back to council to discuss it and hopefully come up with a solution. If a solution can not be reached between the parties, then it will be left up to the council and their decision is final.3. The club is a tread lightly club. Members are to ride in areas designated for trail riding only. Private parks, US forestry roads, and private property are only to be used with permission.4. When the club is participating in an event in the community, club members will be professional and hold themselves to a standard that will not make the club look bad in the public eye. If at an event, whether official or unofficial, a member will be asked to leave if their conduct is not becoming of the club.5. Wrenching parties that are announced on the forum under “Unofficial Events” will be open to all members. If a member is doing specialized work on their vehicle and only wants to have certain individuals to help, they need to contact these individuals and not post on the forum.6. Speaking negatively of the club or a club member out in public will not be tolerated. If you have a problem or concern that deals with the club, you need to bring it to council for discussion.7. Meetings will be conducted on the first Friday night of the month. Members attending these meetings will conduct themselves in a professional manner and will not cause any problems that would make themselves look bad or go after any other member or the council. Since these meetings are normally held out in the public, we want to maintain a positive attitude as not to bring negative attention to the club. If this should arise, that member or guest will be asked to leave the meeting.8. Club property is for club use at events. Items that the club has purchased will be maintained and kept in good condition. Use of said property can be used by club members but must be checked out with the president.9. If a member quits the club for any reason, that member will have to start the process of membership all over again. Their sponsorship must be approved by council.10. At all club events, pets will be kept on a leash when in common areas, such as campgrounds, and during all meals. On the trails you are free to let pets off leash (please see waiver regarding all trail rides and other events.)Infraction of any of these rules will constitute disciplinary action by the Board.1. Verbal warning explaining what conduct was not acceptable.2. Written warning explaining what conduct was not acceptable and will come with a three-month probation period.3. Disciplinary hearing where you will go before council and depending on the outcome member involved could be put on extended probation or released from the club.